Family Health Care Plan

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Family health care plans are meant for maintaining the health of kids, adults and elderly in the family, as a whole. 90% of non-communicable diseases like allergic diseases of skin, respiratory and digestive systems are caused by changes in the metabolism brought about by life style habits and belief systems, which are followed through generations. Family Health Care Plan

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Proper management of health during pregnancy ensures safe and healthy delivery. Good health of new-born and mother is essential for a peaceful and healthy family life. Pregnancy management includes simple exercises, special diet, stress buster exercises and acupuncture (needleless) to avoid miscarriage and complications. Read More

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Recurrent infections and fever of children always keep the family on their toes for years. Enrolling into our family care plan will be a safe and secure solution to this. Certain kids develop skin conditions during 3-10 years of age, which are often suppressed by strong medications resulting in recurrence and untold sufferings. Acupuncture offers a safe and speedy recovery Read More

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During the busy life schedule, working adults, often ignore or suppress their health issues over years. This will lead to serious metabolic diseases like diabetes, liver disease, renal failure and trigger auto immune disorders leading to all kinds of blood dyscrasias. Tailored programs for each individual will help them to maintain good mental and physical health.

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After the age of 60, only very few people live without medications. Even though people live up to around 80 years, majority spend their time in hospitals or confine to beds in their own houses. This is a great misfortune, to see that wise people in the family leading a vegetable life, who require assistance, even for their personal needs. Read More

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